Tuesday, May 12, 2020

C++ Operators

C++ Operators

Operators are used to perform operations on variables and values.They are of many types so get straight to them

Assignment operator (=):

The assignment operator assigns a value to a variable.
a= 5;
This statement assigns the integer value 5 to the variable x. The assignment operation always takes place from right to left, and never the other way around:

see an example 

so we assigned value 5 to a and then printed to it


Now see an example of swapping the variables----------

for swapping two values we need a third variable,

first we assign the value of c equal to a then we make b=c so b becomes = a & declaring a=b so that a becomes b.

So thus we can change the value assigned to an operator.

some combination of operators are shown below-----------------------


This operator is combination of ‘+’ and ‘=’ operators. This operator first adds the current value of the variable on left to the value on right and then assigns the result to the variable on the left.


(a += b) can be written as (a = a + b)
If initially value stored in a is 7. Then (a += 6) = 13.

This operator is combination of ‘-‘ and ‘=’ operators. This operator first subtracts the value on right from the current value of the variable on left and then assigns the result to the variable on the left.


(a -= b) can be written as (a = a - b)
If initially value stored in a is 7. Then (a -= 6) = 1.

This operator is combination of ‘*’ and ‘=’ operators. This operator first multiplies the current value of the variable on left to the value on right and then assigns the result to the variable on the left.


(a *= b) can be written as (a = a * b)
If initially value stored in a is 7. Then (a *= 6) = 42.

 This operator is combination of ‘/’ and ‘=’ operators. This operator first divides the current value of the variable on left by the value on right and then assigns the result to the variable on the left.


(a /= b) can be written as (a = a / b)
If initially value stored in a is 6. Then (a /= 2) = 3.

Arithmetic operators ( +, -, *, /, % ) :

They are of two types----------

1. Unary Operators: 

Operators that operates or works with a single operand are unary operators. For example: (++ , –)

2. Binary Operators:

 Operators that operates or works with two operands are binary operators. For example: (+ , – , * , /)

now discussing about Unary Operators we can see there are five types of arithmetical operations .

The five arithmetical operations supported by C++ are:


Operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division hint to their respective mathematical operators. The  modulo operator, represented by a percentage sign (%), gives the remainder of a division of two values. For example:

int x;
x = 5 % 3 ;

results in variable x containing the value 2, since dividing 5 by 3 results in 1 , with a remainder of 2.


int a = 10 ,b = 2 , c= 5 ,d;

cout<<a+b;    //will give you 12
cout<<a-b;     //will give you 8
cout<<a*b;    //will give you 20
cout<<a/b;    //will give you 5


cout<<d;    /*will give you 2 as 5/2 is 2.5 but it will return the integer value                           as you prefixed d as integer*/

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